My Official Apology to JK Rowling

I need to clear the air on something, as well as issue an official apology. 

In March of 2022, I released my first book, Disconnected: The Broken Path. The launch went well, and I even released a sequel later in the year, Escape to the Wild.

Unfortunately, I got more than a little ahead of myself. At the time, in my new-author enthusiasm, I started calling out author J.K. Rowling. On a since-deleted post on Facebook I stated: "Who is this J.K. Rowling guy? You think you're pretty good? I'm taking you down!" I then added a picture of the current book rankings of the day (where, admittedly, my book was outselling J.K. Rowling's books).

I thought nothing of it until I was served notice of potential legal action earlier this year. It turns out that:

        A) J.K. Rowling is not a male, but a female.

        B) J.K. Rowling is not amused when women claim to be men, and vice versa.

        C) J.K. Rowling is a billionaire.

        D) J.K. Rowling gets very upset when someone accuses her of B, and will use all of C to take appropriate action.

After much discussion with legal experts, I wish to present this heartfelt message:

I, Daniel J. Millette, author of Disconnected: The Broken Path (available on Amazon), state that I was irresponsible and wrong to mis-gender author J.K. Rowling. I was wrong to use threatening language towards her and her empire, particularly through the hateful words: "I'm taking you down!" This was unforgivable misogyny on my part, and I sincerely apologize. To make amends, I will be donating all money earned from my books that exceeds money earned by J.K. Rowling throughout the next month, to purchase Rowling's books and donate them to underprivileged females (within Rowling's definition of female) living in third-world countries.

I am sorry...J. K.

UPDATE: Yes, this was another lame April Fools.


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