On Ditching Homeschooling

Unfortunately it was just a little too much to handle. I speak of homeschooling. After three years of homeschooling our oldest child Joseph, our family is worn out and simply cannot go on like this. 

Starting after Easter we will be sending Joseph (age 7) to the public school where I teach. Thankfully I know his soon-to-be teacher, and can confirm that the class has already completed their units on Native Spirituality, Yoga, Diversity in Family Life, and Caring for Mother Earth. Thus it should be smooth sailing for Joseph from now until the end of June, apart from one small unit titled Pink Shirts.

Of course we will supplement Joseph's education at home. I'll be sure to teach him some math at night, and how to write properly (sometimes these skills are not emphasized in schools). I might even have him read from books as well, for he will surely be tired of reading only from Ipads at school (though I think he will come to enjoy, and even crave, having that Ipad in his hand for reading). No, overall his education will not suffer. 

Perhaps most influential in our decision is that school helps to foster social interaction. And Joseph will be given the daily opportunity to evangelize the faith to his classmates. For instance, I know that other children will at least take notice as Joseph recites the Ten Commandments forwards and backwards for them. I am hopeful that through Joseph's example the other children will be persuaded to enjoy life in a different way; to ditch their daily 4+ hours spent on a "device", and be inspired to do more human and wholesome activities. One child can have that effect.

As for life at home, we are not going the daycare route. Probably when the youngest children leave for school then we'll slide into a two income situation. We will discern as we go.

Life changes, doesn't it? Pray for Joseph. He's not that excited about the situation, which is understandable, but it's for the best. 

Needless to say, I can't wait to see him everyday at my work! God willing I will even teach him one day. Indeed, I think having parents teach their own children is one of the most amazing blessings a family can have. Here's praying it happens for us!


Apparently it's the first day of April. How foolish of me. Of course Joseph is not going to attend my school.
N.B. I'm not criticizing those who send their children to school. But I would say that if you do, be very careful. There is no such thing as a good public school. Only good teachers.

This was an April Fools' Day joke! C'mon already. See my post HERE.

* * *
Millette is a husband, father, educator, and author of Disconnected: The Broken Path, now available on Amazon.


  1. What a relief for Joseph's Grandma. She will be so pleased! Oh my, don't say it's true but is the month of March actually over? Time sure flies...

  2. There are so many lies being taught in school, you will have to reprogram your children at the end of each day in order to combat the onslaught of indoctrination. Good luck, because you are going to need it. I'm really not trying to be unkind. My children are 21 and 19. I actually know what I'm talking about. Oh how I wish I had homeschooled them.

    1. Thanks for your concern. The post was actually an April Fools one. Rest assured, we still homeschool our children! God bless.

  3. Oh phew! I was like- giving up with only 3 kids??!! You must be doing something wrong like assigning too many subjects at a young age, lol

  4. This was hilarious! And very, very true!

    I am still in the trenches of homeschooling our youngest 5 (we graduated the oldest 3 from our homeschool). I can't relate when people think it's "too hard" or that they're "not smart enough" or "can't teach". The alternative - institutionalized education, whether public or "Catholic" - is diabolical. Honestly, I would rather have my child grow up to be a garbage man that keeps the Faith than a doctor or lawyer who loses his soul....

    1. Every family needs a priest, mechanic, and plumber in it. At least that's what I'm hoping for with my boys.

  5. As a teacher of 40+ years in Catholic schools I spent the latter portion of those years encouraging Catholic parents to homeschool their children.


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