Why I Hate Little Women

Some insecure childishness... Background information: Little Women has been my nemesis. I HATE Little Women. Why? A while back, Amazon tightened up the book categories. This has made becoming a bestseller very difficult. I entered most of my books in a Canadian Literature category. Makes sense, no? Just one problem… Little *@%## Women did too! What they have to do with Canadian Literature, you tell me... (Cause I refuse to read that book). Long story short, Little Women is a perennial bestseller. I haven't been able to compete. My wife also tells me there was a Little Women movie released not too long ago. That doesn't help. Sigh. I guess Alcott speaks truth: “Some people seemed to get all sunshine, and some all shadow…” I live in the shadows of Little Women. But thanks to ALL OF YOU, at least for a short while, Little Women can brood about relationships and such from the outside. Long live the misfit! I can’t compete against a classic long-term. Not without Divine interve...