Well... that was a school year

The school year is finished. It was one I shall not forget for a long time, try as I may. Within the first two weeks of the school year masks were re -mandated, I was placed on a 10-day close-contact quarantine, and a province-wide vax mandate was announced. I thought I was done. By October school divisions joined in the fun of the province vax mandate. My own division announced that unvaccinated teachers were to pay for weekly testing, or be, ahem, removed from their positions. Stay safe everybody. The day they announced this was the same day my wife made another announcement. That is, she told me she was pregnant. That was, uh, a little overwhelming. Other tidbits followed this, such as Trudeau stating he wanted to deny EI payments to unvaccinated people, or that my bishop said he would not lift one finger to help unvaccinated Catholics - the same day he had a letter begging for money for his annual appeal. In December I took the plunge and took a one-month unpaid sabbatical from wor...