Tube-Tipping at the West Edmonton Mall - Danny Story (Episode 5)

My little girl asked for me to make a book about Danny stories - real accounts of young Danny and his many childhood adventures. "Can you tell us a Danny story?" asks my little girl. I oblige. "Danny was a good little boy, and always very... holy. Except when he wasn't..." * * * Every now and then for a summer vacation our family would wind up at the West Edmonton Mall. Actually, the truth is that I would talk non-stop about the Mall until finally, just to shut me up, we would take the trip. Why the West Edmonton Mall? The pool, darn it! I loved that pool. I still love that pool. I used to dream that heaven was going to be having your own hotel room with a waterslide that goes directly to the West Edmonton Mall waterpark. Maybe it will be. On one particular trip I was out in the wave pool with some sibling. The waves were crashing over our heads. So too swimmers on tubes. These folks came crashing with the waves, limbs flailing every which way. It is rather da...