Why I Will Not Be Doing Exodus 90 Anytime Soon


There is always a certain amount of fear and trembling when I begin writing a piece on a somewhat unfamiliar subject. Perhaps all that will be demonstrated here is my ignorance and incompetence. To which I suppose my wife would reply: “You’d think you’d be used to that by now.” But I write this piece simply for the fact that Catholic trends, even good ones, need sober reflection and refinement.

I refer to the Exodus 90 program.[i]

Earlier in 2020 – simpler times to be sure - I listened with interest to a podcast on Exodus 90. In it I heard that this program, which was founded in 2013, is an intense 90 day program based on prayer, asceticism, and fraternity. For 90 days men take cold showers, abstain from alcohol and most media, fast twice per week, give up snacks and desserts, meet weekly with a small group of participants, exercise regularly, all the while following a regimented prayer schedule. I applaud such a penitential spirit (though it seems that cold showers in the dead of winter in Saskatchewan is a recipe for a 90 day sickness).

Nevertheless, I still wish to explicate some of the uneasiness I get from the Exodus 90 program.

Living the Liturgical Life 

Prior to the post-Vatican II revolution which blasted away many laudable disciplines, traditionally the Church had a wise, if not perfect, system of fasting and feasting. Even in this post-conciliar age, traditional-minded Catholics still know it is proper to do penance, particularly fasting, on Wednesdays and Fridays. In addition, there are specific periods of penance such as Lent, Advent, and Ember Days. Meanwhile, feasting occurs on Sundays, major Feast Days and Solemnities (e.g. the Assumption of Mary), and throughout special segments of the liturgical year, such as the Easter season. There is a built-in balance to the liturgical life.

My concern with Exodus 90 is that the liturgical life is superseded by the propositions of the program – the wisdom of the Church is not properly embraced. For instance, suggested time frames in initiating Exodus 90 are for an early Lent start-date, with the goal of completion being Pentecost Sunday. To fast throughout the entire Easter season is a disturbing inverse of the Church’s liturgical life. And what of Sundays and Feast Days? While these days may have a relaxed discipline in Exodus 90 (i.e. setting aside one of the practices, such as dessert), they are not fully celebrated as is befitting. For example, the Presentation is a joyous day in the Church’s liturgical year, an occasion calling for food, drink, and, I suppose, even a warm shower. To withhold such innocent pleasures seems contrary to the festive nature of the day.

Recall the story of a young St. Benedict who, in attempting to shed the spirit of the world, was consumed with a solitary life of fasting and praying. As accounted by St. Gregory the Great, God spoke to a nearby priest and had this priest visit St. Benedict on Easter Sunday. As St. Benedict had no idea it was Easter, the priest gently reproved him, saying, “Verily, today is the feast of our Lord’s Resurrection, and therefore it is not right that you should keep abstinence. Besides I am sent to that end, that we might eat together of such provision as God’s goodness hath sent.”

Willingly choosing to set aside the wise liturgical heritage handed on to us (hello Paul VI) is not, I believe, prudent. Hard penance on an obviously joyful Feast Day is malapropos. We must, as did St. Benedict, humble ourselves to the liturgical life of the Church.


I will admit that I had to pick up my jaw from the floor when I found out participants in Exodus 90 are charged $10/month - $30 for the 90 days. Must everything cost? Even fasting? It seems that the Scripture passages of Jesus’ fasting and Judas’ 30 pieces of silver somehow got mixed up.

Yes, I understand that it costs money to run a website, have a coordinator, and develop a suitable app. Still though, I do not recall ever spending $10 to utilize an app, much less $10/month on one. Perhaps seeking donations would be a better approach. As it stands right now, charging $10/month just leaves a bad taste in the mouth.

Fraternity vs. Family

Many questions come to mind when pondering how Exodus 90 affects an entire family. What does it mean to have a husband go to weekly meetings to discuss the program? Is the wife resentful of this? Does such free time really exist? What does it mean to have a man check in daily with another “anchor” man? Is there tension between his familial role of headship versus his deference to a group of men? - “I am the head of my household, and I make basic decisions… with the approval of my men’s group.” And do children notice what is going on? Would a young girl find it strange that her dad would ask another man’s permission before she could share in a cup of hot chocolate with dad? Or that her father is constantly fighting the beginnings of cold-shower induced sickness?  

Perhaps these questions are easily remedied in some families. Not mine, but in some. I will only say that a small group of men is not a replacement for a spiritual director, family trumps fraternity, and men, active creatures as we are, like to do things together - talking is merely a byproduct.


The topic of trendy-Catholicism is more of a general concern. I will not suggest that doing Exodus 90 will make a man want to build a tiny home, start the Keto diet, purchase a Tesla, or even join the Greta Thunberg fan club. How dare I? But trends, cliques, fads, and innovations need to be looked at with prudence. The truth is that there are always new books, ideas, and programs within Catholicism requiring thoughtful discernment - I think of Fr. Don Calloway’s Consecration to St. Joseph, Dan Burke’s Avila Institute, or even the plethora of Catholic YouTube channels available. Exodus 90 certainly is a trend. This doesn’t make it wrong, but it is still a trend requiring judicious thought in the manner of St. Paul, “And be not conformed to this world; but be reformed in the newness of your mind, that you may prove what is the good, and the acceptable, and the perfect will of God” (Romans 12:2).

Spiritual Pride

I only add pride as a concern for Exodus 90 insofar as any worthwhile spiritual practice can lead to pride (especially when not done with the approval of a spiritual director). 

Yes, I believe Exodus 90 is an opportunity for men to pat themselves on the back for their accomplishments. “I’m doing Exodus 90,” a man might be too eager to share with others (as has been shared with me). The temptation for spiritual pride is apparent. I mean, they even sell Exodus 90 merchandise on their website

But in fairness, the temptation to pride can be everywhere, and it is for a properly disciplined person to spurn such a temptation.

Final Thoughts

It bears repeating that Exodus 90 contains many praiseworthy practices which the Church needs to recover. I applaud the penitential spirit. Further, I sincerely hope that the men involved with this program gain significant spiritual benefit. At the same time, there are aspects of Exodus 90 which, I believe, require sober second thought.

As a parting thought, I will only float the idea that Exodus 90 is not being open about their history. For instance, they used to publicly list Regnum Christi, the secular branch of the odious Legionaries of Christ, as sponsors. Further, I have heard it said that many of their meditations come from the Legionaries. Is this true? What is the connection between these two groups? Have they addressed this openly? If so, I haven't heard it.

And so, do Exodus 90 if you wish. But I won't be doing such a program anytime soon. I believe the Church already has a program, a much better program: traditional Catholicism.

And it's free.




[i] If there are any misrepresentations of Exodus 90 here, they are unintentional. I asked several men about their experiences with Exodus 90, and received differing answers on most issues, such as the role of Sundays, recourse to a men’s group, and the quality of the daily prayers. A consistent answer was difficult to attain.


  1. I have to agree with the sentiment about traditional church teachings. I felt the same when I was introduced to Exodus 90. I said to myself, I am fasting twice a week, trying to uphold the ember days, refrain from excess media. Sounds like a traditional Catholic life to me! Who knew? Guess next I’ll be thinking we should bring back the TLM! How cool! Thanks for a good thoughtful confirmation of my feelings!

  2. Unless you fully experience Exodus 90 yourself, I think you do a mis-justice to try to explain it to others and some of the challenges. Every man undertakes Exodus 90 for different reasons, and every man brings his own chains into the program. The varying responses you received could have been because every man and every fraternity is different. I am currently undergoing my second Exodus 90 and the graces and challenges are much different because the first year, I was preparing to propose to my then girlfriend and enter into marriage prep, and now I am preparing to enter into fatherhood with my wife. Experience it for yourself, then make a judgement.

    1. "Experience it for yourself, then make a judgment." Be careful with that line of reasoning.

    2. The retort is a very common response from mostly all E90 memberhoodies that I know. I often wonder if they are trained to give that response in the program or if it’s just a pride/ego manifestation. The E90 slick sales marketing techniques and use of peer pressures with client pain points would put ghost sales guru’s like Dave Sandler and Dale Carnegie et al, in the applause section of the E90 stadium (with face masks, of course). I think that Exodus 90 could do a lot better in the parking lot of the mission field without all the greasy shoe shinola and just stick to the basics taught by the Catholic Church of Jesus Christ. I guess, according to the E90 fraternal order of brotherhood, I’d have to put down my $30 bucks on the table to get the answer. Not gonna happen! I’ll stick to what the Biblical Tradition and the Magisterium tradition teaches using “work” and “Word”. God Bless!

  3. Dan,

    What's your angle? I think the exodus 90 program is a really good thing and all of your concerns are addressed in the "fine" print as you said in your other article. I know for me I say Christ is the center of my life but do I actually live that? During Exodus 90 I definitely do. The trappings of life especially in the current century are wonderful. Many many of them are licit as well. All things in moderation though. Exodus 90 is a tune up for your spiritual life. In the "fine" print Exodus 90 is very clear you need to prepare your family and especially your spouse for the journey.

    As to your dates, Exodus 90 is 90 days before easter, not after easter.

    Living the Liturgical Life: the current liturgical fasting and feasting laws are great if you even know what they are or what they mean. In the exodus 90 program you engage in ascetic practices that due to modern convenience seem very extreme. They prepare you to appreciate a feast and celebration. The current fasting rules are not enough to build the level of self mastery that the christian life requires. In the "fine print" exodus 90 also gives homage to sundays being a fast day and advises each fraternity to consider a system of relaxing the asceticisms on sudays.

    Money: Nothing except love is free. you're balking at $10 a month? Its a rather small amount for some amazing reflections, cohesive app, and supporting a worthwhile ministry.

    Trends: because something is popular and effective and people are revitalized in their faith and family you should be skeptical. If it is "trending" maybe thats a sign that there are countless Catholic men needing something to challenge them and refocus there life on God and the regular sunday routine isn't cutting it

    Spiritual Pride: there is nothing wrong with taking pride in ones actions. Exodus 90 is very clear that all things are blessings from God.

    As your picture shows, I think the idea of cold showers is too much for many people. I hope you will someday take some time to spend a mere 90 days doing something strenuous focused on God.

    1. The Exodus 90 website clearly has multiple start up dates. Including one that goes through the Easter season and ends on Pentecost. That is absolutely absurd.

      Spiritual Pride: Don't brush this concern aside! Humility is the foundation of the spiritual life.

      Money: I suppose one could fast for as little as $10/month. Though I prefer the $0/month option. Alas, this gets to the deeper question: what is the relationship between Exodus 90 and Regnum Chri$ti?

      Trends: I'm saying do what the Church has always taught, and do it with the guidance of a spiritual director (not a makeshift "fraternity").

  4. You have written and published rationale for people to opt out of something good. Something truly good. A program that aims to make better men, better husbands, better fathers, better Catholics.

    I'd urge sober reflection on whether or not your personal reasons for not doing it, which is fine by the way as it's not for everyone, are appropriate to publish publically. What you think is merely publishing your personal rationale for not doing it will be used by untold numbers as rationale to not do it. Ultimately who does that serve?

    1. But... but... people can do all these things, and have done them for centuries, WITHOUT some $trange program. Why are you trying to make Exodus 90 the be all and end all? I encourage all men to find a good spiritual director and go hard.

    2. No where in my comments did I make E90 out to be "the be all and end all". I don't. If I confused my position, I am sorry.

      No where did I suggest and no where does E90 suggest NOT availing oneself to their spiritual directors. The two are not mutually exclusive.

      As for my own experience, indeed it was my priest, my pastor, my spiritual director himself that encouraged the men in my church to consider doing the program. About thirty of us did. For the five that I know well, all five would attest that they've benefitted deeply from going through the program.

      As far as people being able to do these things without the program that is true. Any yet, at 39 years old I never had, never did. I suspect I'm not alone. I am weak. I am a sinner. I am personally grateful for the structured approach that has helped me be a better man than I was before. Left to my own inclinations I likely would have continued to fail worse than I am now.

      God bless.

  5. I recently completed Exodus 90 and it was a tremendous blessing for me and my family.
    My wife was not in the least bit enthusiastic about my participation at the start; she has a completely different perspective now. I am a better husband and father for the grace I have received through my participation.

    I agree that it is “trendy.” I had to swallow my pride on that one in order to participate. In my humble opinion, there is nothing special (or nefarious) about the program; it is simply a good introductory program to a deeper prayer life.

    The thing I dreaded most was the cold showers. Turns out cold showers are a great way to wake up and I continue to do them, not as some penitential practice, but just to get my butt in gear each day. There are, supposedly, also health benefits to cold showers. Snacking turned out to be the hardest thing for me to give up, and I’m not even a foodie.

    I agree pride is a possibility. But, for me, having a program that was not under my own control, that was not of my own making, was a great aid to humility.

    It can be intimidating to surrender control and commit to a program such as Exodus 90, but if done out of a sincere desire to grow closer to Christ and to respond to him with generosity, I have no doubt you will be blessed.

    Take Courage


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