12 Days of Christmas (Songs) - Day 6: Warm Fuzzy Feelings

The 12 Days of Christmas: A hidden catechesis for Catholics while they endured persecution in England (1558-1829). You can read more about it here. This year I will be posting a Christmas song for each day.

Day 6: Six Geese a-Laying

The six days in which God created the world are represented today.

The theme is creating Christmas memories. More than any other time, Christmas is a time for feelings. Not exactly my greatest strength. But it is clear that, given the lockdowns and such, this year people were turning to Christmas to spark some emotional happiness. Lights were put up in earnest. People went over the top with baking and decorating. Christmas is a time to save. But not in that way. It is of a baby who came to save. 

Nevertheless, as long as Christ is the focus, a few warm and fuzzy feelings along the way aren't dangerous. With that, I present a blast from the past. Roger Whitaker! My oh my, memories indeed. Here is Momma Mary:


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